mercoledì 8 agosto 2012

ssh tabbed manager for linux

being a developer (sigh) I often need to access several ssh server, paying particular attention to discriminate between production and test servers....
After digging around for a good ssh manager linux, I these two are the best ones: which I actually use. The tool is written in python, so easy to install.
Another widespread tool is pac manager which is more debian-ubuntu oriented.

mercoledì 1 agosto 2012

fglrx with fedora 16 kernel 3.4.x

ok, this should be the final working approach!
Please note that I used amd 12-4 drivers, because my card RADEON HD 4670 in unsupported since 12.6. Anyway the following patch is ok to make the 12.6 compile too, just keep in mind that in case the drivers doesn't get loaded after reboot and aticonfig states something like "no suitable hardware found" you probably have a card no longer supported.
  1. Run --extract ./fglrx
  2. copy patch file (here's attached) into fglrx
  3. cd fglrx
  4. patch -p1 < fglrx12-4.patch
  5. ./ 8.961 --install
The driver should get installed without any error.